Let’s talk spicy

Weekend vibes

So, it’s the weekend. A long weekend should I add. Who’s doing what?
Wedding, resting, worrying, or perhaps thinking let’s spice things up! When I say spice things up, I don’t mean your masala dabaa in the kitchen. I mean in your sex life. Give it a little pinch of garam masala or some sizzling red-hot chillies. I’m actually laughing as I am typing this. Maybe you are single or in a relationship doesn’t matter. You are authentically you! Have you bought any of my stories can I ask? Honestly, they will give you the sizzle of the mustard seeds in a pan of garam oil. I have dedicated this website to my partner and each story has been wrote with him in mind! Why.. well, he did open Pandora’s Box but he also inspired me to write and simply be me. He loved each story and the thrill of fantasying heightens the feeling of what we want and what we desire, it is perfectly natural. Don’t hide your thoughts, wants and needs. Right now, I just want to see him and feel him, flesh to flesh whispering words to open up his chakras. I want to keep this blog short & sweet like the tin of quality street our mum’s used to keep with needles & threads. Despite no chocs. Thank you so much to the wonderful souls that have bought my stories and to those that haven’t, take a look. Currently there are five stories I have wrote but more will be added. Tell me what you think and what you would like me to write about. Will be great to hear your views. Hoping you all have a great weekend.

Much love


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