My 1st blog

A week since the website was launched

I apologise it has been a week since I launched and I have yet to post something.. I went to meet the Desiblitz team in Birmingham. Desiblitz if you don’t know is a Brit Asian online Magazine. It is full of Fashion, Gupshup, Bollywood, Sex, Taboo and it is bloody amazing. I absolutely would recommend you go take a peek at their website by clicking the link

Much love AsianH


  1. I am so thankful to have found your blog. Many women are going through testing times, it’s refreshing to hear from someone who is willing to open up. I am looking forward to being part of your journey.

  2. Sounds like you have had the worst time lately and yet here you are writing for us all. Aren’t we blessed to have you! Your passion is clearly in writing and this is just the tip of the iceberg for you

  3. The hardest things to do are often the life changing choices. Face the fear and do it and you won’t regret it. Standing up to bullies and standing up for your truth is what you need to do. You can do this x love you x

  4. Its always the ones closest to you that you gotta look out for. Often they the ones to stab you in the back. Good for you to stand up for what is right for you. Very empowering. Good luck on your new adventures with Desiblitz. Looking forward to your work.

  5. Firstly, congratulations 🥳 as a woman who has faced adversity, it’s refreshing to hear from you. I am looking forward to reading your blogs. Standing up to those who want to silence us. That’s tough. You will provide inspiration for many people who are afraid to speak out. Thank you for sharing, and remain that diamond in the rough Cx

  6. Proud of you and your website. your stories are hot! I just purchased 2.
    Your partner is definitely your inspiration. Lucky him..

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